DATE: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
TIME: 9am SGT | 12pm AEDT | 2pm NZDT
Have you heard of DoT and DoH? DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) have become increasingly newsworthy as some leading technology companies, including computer software and web browser developers, are now enabling these new protocols by default. Historically, communications between DNS clients and servers rarely are encrypted, leaving users vulnerable to spoofing, interception, and other attack types. DoT and DoH were created to solve these issues, but there's a catch. While DoT and DoH help improve DNS privacy, they can also cause significant changes to how browsers, applications and some operating systems function. This allows users to sidestep your traditional DNS controls – increasing exposure to risks and hampering enterprise visibility. Even worse: it's probably happening on your network. Right now.
Join Paul Adair and David Ayers to learn the benefits and impacts of DoT/DoH, recent industry adoption developments, and the benefits of using internal DNS solutions that not only support DoT and DoH but leverage threat intelligence and analytics to detect and block threats DNS layer. Now you can get privacy without compromising on security.
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