DATE: Wednesday, 14 October 2020

TIME: 10am BST | 11am CEST | 2:30pm IST

Both short- and long-term shifts in global workplace operations and processes, and the likely need to accelerate IoT, edge computing, SD-WAN, or other forward-facing technologies, require significant adjustments to the security profile.  This can only increase the strain on the organization's limited system and personnel resources without making improvements in visibility and response capabilities.

We will discuss methods for:

  • Auto-correlating security and network visibility to reduce investigation and response times
  • Expanding automated response across the security stack to eliminate wasted effort
  • Unifying multi-sourced threat intelligence for faster threat analysis and decision-making
  • Using DNS to reduce the burden on other security investments, improving bandwidth and ROI
  • Combining, normalizing, and distributing threat intelligence across the security stack for greater efficacy

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