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Für den Ernstfall gewappnet - Security Incident Response

Datum: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021
Zeit: 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr CET

Angriffe passieren. Haben Ihre Mitarbeiter das, was sie brauchen?

Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar am 14. Dezember um 10:00 Uhr teil, um vier verschiedene Informationen zu besprechen, die für eine effektive Analyse und Bekämpfung von Bedrohungen unerlässlich sind. In der Diskussion werden auch einige der Tools besprochen, die das Sammeln dieser Daten vereinfachen oder diese sogar automatisieren und sie Ihrem Incident-Response-Team auf Abruf zur Verfügung stellen können.

Security Incident Response ist ein komplexer Prozess, der qualifiziertes Personal, effektive Tools, klare Prozesse und den Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl von Daten erfordert. In Gesprächen mit Teams, die erfolglos oder ineffektiv auf Sicherheitsvorfälle reagiert haben, werden häufig Probleme bei der Datenerfassung oder beim Zugriff auf Informationen als einer der Hauptfaktoren genannt, die sie vom Erfolg abgehalten haben. Unabhängig vom Status Ihres aktuellen Incident-Response-Programms soll Ihnen dieses Webinar Anregungen geben, wo Sie Ihre Reaktionsfähigkeit verbessern können.

Cricket Liu
Chief DNS Architect
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus bibendum porttitor. Fusce sagittis pharetra consectetur. Suspendisse potenti.
Cricket Liu
Chief DNS Architect
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus bibendum porttitor. Fusce sagittis pharetra consectetur. Suspendisse potenti.

Monthly Beer Club

Malware and You – How can we stop it?

Date: 30th September 2021  Time: 16:00 - 18:00 BST

Join Infoblox for a virtual Monthly Beer Club on September 30th at 16:00 BST! We are bringing together Networking & Security professionals for a monthly virtual beer tasting covering different topical subjects each time. This month we will be covering Malware and Ransomware.

The challenge has never been greater than it is right now for organisations to protect their essential services and data from malicious actors and malware. Recent reports have shown that they have increased by 93% YoY in the first half of 2021 alone.

Join Infoblox on September 30th at 16:00 for an interactive conversation where we will cover:

  • Multiple ways companies can mitigate against 
  • Malware New and recently emerged malware variants and trends 
  • How these differ from other variants we have seen in the past 
  • Highly important coverage of the NSA’s and CISA’s recent guidance on DNS security 

Please remember to add your postcode!

This beer tasting conversation will be based on the research and data that our Cyber Intelligence Unit published in the summer of 2021.


Infoblox IPAM Free Trial

Automate and simplify how you manage IPaddresses at scale.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

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Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Consolidate core network services

Unite DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI) into a single enterprise-grade, hyper intelligent platform, managed from a common console.

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

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The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox enhances availability and security for more than 13,000 customers
