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Cricket Liu
Chief DNS Architect
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 Webinar & Demo Series

Infoblox Insights | Security

An in-depth overview of different cybersecurity use cases that can reinforce your security posture, reduce infection risk and empower your organisation to respond faster

According to the FBI Data fraud is costing companies more than $10 Billion every year, and protecting your customers from fraud and keeping their trust in your business is becoming a key priority. Join us for 30 minutes where we will share insights from our 16 years of experience taking down domains which are used to target organisations across the world.

We will cover how you can proactively focus on those fraudulent domains, minimise your losses, and reduce your costs and efforts in protecting your customers. As well as improving your protection for your employees from business email compromise, and credential stealing.

This session will be of interest to anyone in security, brand protection, and legal.

Key Take Aways

  • How does the US Government take down domains, and what you can learn
  • How you can identify domains targeting you and your customers.
  • Why Infoblox succeeds faster, and more accurately than other solutions.


Infoblox IPAM Free Trial

Automate and simplify how you manage IPaddresses at scale.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

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Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Consolidate core network services

Unite DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI) into a single enterprise-grade, hyper intelligent platform, managed from a common console.

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

This is where a video can be configured

EnglishRaise SecOps Efficiency Through Insight-Driven Security


In Episode 6 of Infoblox Insights, we will cover how to turn vast amounts of untapped asset, network, event, and hunted DNS threat intelligence into powerful insights that improves SOC efficiency. This will include a demo of our new SOC Insights.

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SOC Insights: la puissance de l'analyse DNS pour booster votre SOC et Réponse à Incidents

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Dans l'épisode 6 d'Infoblox Insights, nous verrons comment améliorer drastiquement l’efficacité du SOC en synthétisant de vastes quantités de données riches mais sous-exploitées - événements sécurité associés au DNS, renseignements sur les menaces et contexte réseau associés - et en les transformant en informations puissantes au service du SOC. Cet épisode comprendra une démonstration de notre nouvelle solution SOC Insights.

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SOC Insights: Inteligencia de amenazas accionable para mejorar la remediación


En el Episodio 6 de Infoblox Insights, cubriremos cómo, a través de nuestro nuevo SOC Insights, puedes convertir los datos de un incidente en datos accionables para una investigación y remediación efectiva con contexto global sobre la amenaza relacionada, los dispositivos comprometidos y detalles de su localización y trazabilidad.

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Aumentare l'efficienza delle SecOps grazie ad un approccio alla sicurezza guidata dagli Insight


Nell'episodio 6 di Infoblox Insights, parleremo di come trasformare la vasta quantità di informazioni su eventi e minacce DNS generalmente non utilizzate, in dati utili per migliorare l’efficienza del SOC. Presenteremo inoltre una demo del nostro nuovo SOC Insights.

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Steigerung der SecOps-Effizienz durch Insight-Driven Security


In Episode 6 von Infoblox Insights erfahren Sie, wie Sie riesige Mengen ungenutzter Informationen zu Assets, Netzwerken, Events und gejagten DNS-Bedrohungen in aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse umwandeln können, die die SOC-Effizienz verbessern. Dazu gehört auch eine Demo unserer neuen SOC Insights.

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EnglishImprove threat hunting with DNS intelligence


Join us for Episode 7 of our ongoing Infoblox Insights Security Series and learn how to elevate your threat hunting efforts with DNS intelligence.


Détecter les auteurs des cybermenaces en exploitant l’intelligence fournie par le DNS

À la demande

La chasse aux menaces est la pierre angulaire de la cybersécurité moderne. Rejoignez-nous pour l'épisode 7 de notre série de webinaires Infoblox Insights Security et apprenez pourquoi l'intelligence DNS est la clé pour chasser les menaces avec précision, efficacité et en un temps réduit

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Mejora el threat hunting con inteligencia en DNS


Únete a nosotros en el Episodio 7 de nuestra serie de webinars & demos Infoblox Insights Security y descubre por qué la inteligencia en DNS es la clave para cazar amenazas con precisión, eficacia y en menos tiempo.

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Rendi più efficienti le attività di Threat Hunting con l'intelligence DNS


Unisciti a noi per l'episodio 7 della nostra serie Infoblox Insights Security, in cui ti sveleremo come l'intelligence DNS possa darti un vantaggio sugli implacabili attori delle minacce odierne.

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Voraus denken, sicher handeln: DNS-Intelligenz als Waffe gegen Cyberbedrohungen


Entdecken Sie in Episode 7, wie DNS-Intelligenz Ihre Sicherheitsstrategie transformiert und Ihnen einen entscheidenden Vorteil im Kampf gegen Cyberbedrohungen verschafft. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der proaktiven Verteidigungsmaßnahmen und revolutionieren Sie Ihre Bedrohungserkennung und -abwehr.

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EnglishMaintaining security controls in an encrypted DNS world


Attend Episode 8 of our ongoing Infoblox Security Series as we explore how to maintain security control in today’s encrypted DNS landscape.


Surmonter les défis de sécurité introduits par le DNS chiffré

À la demande

Ne manquez pas l'épisode 8 de notre série Infoblox Insights Security, qui vous guidera au travers des techniques permettant de maintenir le contrôle de la sécurité de votre entreprise en dépit des failles introduites par le DNS chiffré.

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Cómo mantener el control en un entorno de DNS cifrado


Participa en el episodio 8 de nuestra serie de webinars & demos Infoblox Insights Security y descubre cómo mantener el control de la seguridad en la era del DNS cifrado.

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Scopri le limitazioni di encrypted DNS e come superarle


Partecipa all'episodio 8 della nostra serie Infoblox Insights Security, in cui esploreremo come mantenere il controllo della sicurezza nell'attuale panorama di DNS encryption.

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Risiko versus Realität: Effektiver Umgang mit verschlüsseltem DNS


In Episode 8 unserer Infoblox Security Webinar-Reihe enthüllen wir, wie verschlüsseltes DNS sowohl ein Segen als auch eine verborgene Gefahr sein kann. Entdecken Sie strategische Ansätze, um Ihre Netzwerksicherheit zu stärken und sich gegen Malware sowie Datenexfiltration effektiv zu schützen. Erweitern Sie Ihr Sicherheitskonzept um innovative Lösungen, die Ihnen helfen, auch in verschlüsselten Umgebungen die Oberhand zu behalten.

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EnglishHow DNS Detection and Response Slashes Containment Time


Join Episode 9 of our Infoblox Insights Security Series and we will show you how to detect threats early and stop them sooner with DNS Detection and Response.


Découvrez comment utiliser la détection et la réponse basées sur le DNS pour isoler plus rapidement les attaques

À la demande

Dans le dernier épisode de notre série Infoblox Insights Security, nous vous présentons comment détecter les menaces en amont et les arrêter plus tôt grâce à une approche de détection et de réponse basée sur le protocole DNS.

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Descubre cómo DNS Detection and Response reduce drásticamente el tiempo de mitigación


Acompáñanos en el episodio 9 de nuestra serie Infoblox Insights Security, en la que le revelaremos cómo la detección y respuesta de DNS reduce drásticamente los tiempos de mitigación de las ciberamenazas más adversas de hoy en día.

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Scopri come DNS Detection and Response riduce i tempi di remediation


Partecipa il 25 giugno e scopri perché DNS Detection & Response dovrebbe essere una pietra miliare delle vostre difese.

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Schneller reagieren: Mit DNS Detection & Response gegen Cyberbedrohungen


Entdecken Sie in unserem exklusiven Webinar, wie DNS Detection & Response die Spielregeln im Kampf gegen Cyberbedrohungen ändert. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Bedrohungen früher erkennen, schneller reagieren und Ihr Netzwerk effektiver schützen können. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt zu einer unüberwindbaren Cyberabwehr.

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Watch Previous Episodes - On-demand

EnglishSecure Sooner with Suspicious Threat Feeds


Discover how suspicious threat feeds empower your SecOps to do just that. Join us for Episode 1 of our BloxInsights Security Webinar Series, Secure Sooner with Suspicious Threat Feeds.

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Bloquez les noms de domaine suspects pour une détection en amont des campagnes d'attaque

À la demande

Regardez le webinaire à la demande de l'épisode 1 où nous vous présenterons les innovations Infoblox permettant de mieux anticiper et prévenir les menaces de façon proactive, avant qu’elles ne surviennent.

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Detén ataques antes de que ocurran con la Inteligencia de dominios sospechosos


Accede al episodio 1 on-demand, en el que te explicaremos cómo puedes cambiar tu enfoque de seguridad reactiva a seguridad proactiva, y detener así las amenazas antes de que se produzcan.

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Feed sui nomi di dominio sospetti per bloccare gli attacchi prima che avvengano


Guarda l'episodio 1 on demand, dove spiegheremo come trasformare l’approccio alla sicurezza da reattivo a proattivo, bloccando le minacce prima che si verifichino.

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Aktiver Schutz: Revolutionieren Sie Ihre Sicherheitsstrategie mit proaktiven Warnmeldungen


Haben Sie unser Live-Webinar verpasst? Kein Problem! Sie können jetzt das OnDemand-Video unserer ersten Episode der Infoblox Insights Security Serie ansehen.

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English Protect your brand from Lookalike domains


Learn how to stop these insidious threats in their tracks—before they cause harm. Join us for Episode 2 of our InfobloxInsights Security Webinar Series.

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Arrêter les menaces liées aux domaines "lookalike"

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Inscrivez-vous pour assister à l’épisode 2 de notre événement Infoblox Insights Security Series afin d’examiner les domaines lookalike, leurs impacts potentiels sur votre entreprise et les mesures à prendre pour arrêter ce type d’attaque.

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Bloquea las amenazas de dominios similares fraudulentos


Participa en el episodio 2 de nuestra serie Infoblox Insights, en el que examinaremos los dominios similares, sus costes potenciales para tu compañía y los pasos que puedes seguir para eliminar estas sofisticadas amenazas.

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Bloccare le minacce dei Lookalike Domain fraudolenti


Partecipa all'episodio 2 della serie Infoblox Insights in cui esaminiamo le tecniche usate dagli attaccanti per contraffare i nomi di dominio, gli impatti economici per le aziende e le misure da adottare per mitigare tali rischi e bloccare queste insidiose minacce.

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Lookalike Domains - Erkennen, Verstehen, Abwehren


Schließen Sie sich uns am 21. November 2023 um 11:00 Uhr an und entdecken Sie, wie Infoblox Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Lookalike Domain Bedrohungen stets einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

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EnglishStrengthen Your Defence-in-Depth Strategy with DNS


Join us for Episode 3 of our BloxInsights Security Webinar Series, Strengthen Your Defence-in-Depth Strategy with DNS.

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Renforcer votre défense en profondeur avec un DNS

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Rejoignez-nous le 12 décembre pour l’épisode 3 de notre événement Infoblox Insights Security Series, « Renforcer votre défense en profondeur avec un DNS ».

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Refuerza tu estrategia de defensa en capas con DNS


Participa en el episodio 3 de nuestra serie Infoblox Insights “Refuerza tu estrategia de defensa en capas con DNS.”

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Defense-in-Depth e il ruolo strategico del DNS


Partecipa all'episodio 3, dal titolo Defense-in-Depth e il ruolo strategico del DNS.

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DNS - Der Game-Changer für Ihre Defense-in-Depth-Strategie


Willkommen zur Episode 3 unserer BloxInsights Security-Serie, in der wir die transformative Rolle von DNS in der Cybersicherheit hervorheben.

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English Unify Threat Visibility across Your Attack Surface


Please attend Episode 4 of Infoblox Insights to get the latest thinking on how to enhance protection with a consolidated view of threats wherever they reside—on premises or in the cloud.

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Votre surface d’attaque s’agrandit, protégez-la grâce à une visibilité unifiée des menaces

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Join us for Episode 4 of Infoblox Insights where we'll show you how to centralize threat visibility and eliminate them across an ever-expanding attack surface.

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Refuerza tus defensas con Visibilidad unificada de las amenazas


Las redes distribuidas híbridas y multi cloud presentan nuevos vectores de ataque capaces de eludir las medidas tradicionales de detección de amenazas. Participa en el Episodio 4 de Infoblox Insights, en el que revelaremos formas de unificar la visibilidad y la mitigación de las amenazas en tu creciente superficie de ataque.

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Visibilità unificata delle minacce per proteggere una superficie di attacco in continua espansione


Partecipare all'episodio 4 di Infoblox Insights per scoprire come migliorare la protezione con una visione consolidata delle minacce ovunque si trovino, on-premise, nel cloud e in ambito smart working.

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Überblick behalten, Risiken minimieren – So sichern Sie Ihre Angriffsfläche ab


Die komplexen und verteilten Hybrid- und Multi-Cloud-Netzwerke bieten neue Angriffswege, die traditionelle Erkennungsmaßnahmen leicht umgehen können. Begleiten Sie uns in Episode 4 der Infoblox Insights Serie, um Wege zu entdecken, wie Sie die Sichtbarkeit und Abwehr von Bedrohungen über Ihre sich ausweitende Angriffsfläche zentralisieren können.

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EnglishOptimising MITRE ATT&CK with DNS


In the 5th installment of Infoblox Insights, we roll up our sleeves and examine where DNS interacts with MITRE ATT&CK and how to use DNS-based security to shut threats down sooner.

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Optimiser l'utilisation de MITRE ATT&CK avec le DNS

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Dans cette édition d’Infoblox Insights, nous examinons comment le DNS est référencé sur MITRE ATT&CK et comment utiliser la sécurité basée sur le DNS pour mettre fin plus rapidement aux menaces.

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El marco MITRE ATT&CK es una potente herramienta de defensa que permite a los equipos de seguridad “pensar como un ciberdelincuente”. Puesto que el DNS desempeña un papel fundamental en las ciberamenazas, los conocimientos de DNS son esenciales para la efectividad de MITRE ATT&CK.

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Nel nuovo episodio 5 di Infoblox Insights esamineremo i punti in cui il DNS interagisce con MITRE ATT&CK e come utilizzare la sicurezza basata su DNS per bloccare in anticipo le minacce.

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MITRE ATT&CK mit DNS optimieren


Das MITRE ATT&CK-Framework ist ein leistungsstarkes Verteidigungsinstrument, das Sicherheitsteams ermöglicht, „wie ein Angreifer zu denken“. Da DNS eine entscheidende Rolle bei Cyberbedrohungen spielt, ist das Wissen über DNS entscheidend für die Wirksamkeit von MITRE ATT&CK.

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lookalike Domains
Protect your network, brand and customers with custom Lookalike domain monitoring

Proactively stop socially engineered threats using lookalike domains in advanced targeted attacks intent on breaching the enterprise, compromising customers or damaging your valuable brand.

Download here

Infoblox enhances availability and security for more than 13,000 customers
