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Osterman Report: Choosing the Right DDI Solution for Your Org

Pace of change today demands a lighter, more agile solution

Regardless of where your organization falls on the path to digital transformation, DDI is the indispensable foundation on which transformation is possible. But if you’re reliant on legacy DDI that’s holding you back, understanding the qualities to look for in a modern, advanced new DDI solution might not be so easy. In this new report, Constellation Research authoritatively makes clear that today’s DDI solutions need to:infoblox-book.jpg

  • Deploy where needed—cloud-managed DDI enables you to deploy anywhere while centrally managing network operations with speed and agility for your business.
  • Work from anywhere but also be managed everywhere—a DDI tool should enable rapid rollouts across any environment be it microservices, containers or public cloud.
  • Hyper scale for hyper connectivity—tools can’t be limited by architecture and cost constraints that will negatively impact growth over the long term.
Cricket Liu
Chief DNS Architect
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Corso di sicurezza sul DNS

Data: 1 marzo 2022
Orario: Dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 e dalle 14:00 alle 16:00 CEST

Le iscrizioni sono chiuse. Grazie per il vostro interesse per l’evento “Corso di sicurezza sul DNS”.

Siamo lieti di invitarti ad un workshop dal titolo Corso di sicurezza sul DNS, che si terrà virtualmente martedì 1 marzo 2022 dalle 10:00 alle 12:00, e dalle 14:00 alle 16:00, per una durata di 4 ore. Il corso, valido per 1 credito CPE (ISC)² per ciascuna ora del corso, ti aiuterà a capire come il DNS viene sfruttato dagli aggressori per compromettere la sicurezza di rete e illustrerà le nozioni e le tecniche che possono contribuire a ridurre questi rischi.

Dopo questo corso di formazione conoscerai più a fondo:

  • Il ruolo del DNS negli odierni attacchi informatici, con un'analisi approfondita delle tecniche usate dagli hacker ed esempi tratti dalla realtà; 
  • L'importanza dell'Intelligence sulle minacce: Passive DNS, partner threat Intelligence etc. 
  • Il modo in cui il DNS viene sfruttato dalle campagne di phishing zero-day e come proteggersi; 
  • Il modo in cui il machine learning e l'analisi comportamentale sono fondamentali per rispondere a gruppi di attacco avanzati che utilizzano DGA e DNS come strumenti di comunicazione; 
  • Il modo in cui i dati DNS, DHCP e IPAM possono essere utilizzati per SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response); 
  • Il modo in cui il malware avanzato utilizza nuove tecniche come DNS over HTTPS per aggirare l'infrastruttura di sicurezza e il traffico di command & control; 

Nota: questo workshop non è legato a fornitori particolari e non è un corso di formazione su un prodotto o una lezione di configurazione. Lo scopo di questo Corso è fornire nuovi spunti e ispirazione per i professionisti della sicurezza.

Live Quiz: al termine del workshop partecipa ad un Quiz di Kahoot per testare le conoscenze acquisite durante la sessione e vincere dei premi!

Iscriviti ora, ti aspettiamo!


Infoblox IPAM Free Trial

Automate and simplify how you manage IPaddresses at scale.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

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Opening Keynotes
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Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Consolidate core network services

Unite DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI) into a single enterprise-grade, hyper intelligent platform, managed from a common console.

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

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The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox enhances availability and security for more than 13,000 customers
