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Cricket Liu
Chief DNS Architect
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DNS-Security Workshop

Schützen Sie Ihr Netzwerk vor Bedrohungen

Datum: 07.05.2024
Zeit: 11:30-18 Uhr
Ort: Hilton Frankfurt Airport - The Squaire (Am Flughafen 12, 60549 Frankfurt am Main)

Die Sicherheit des Domain Name Systems (DNS) ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Integrität und Zuverlässigkeit Ihres Netzwerks. Als Rückgrat des Internets fungierend, kann DNS jedoch auch als potenzielles Einfallstor für Cyberangriffe dienen, wenn es nicht angemessen geschützt ist.

Warum ist es also wichtig, sich über DNS-Sicherheit zu informieren? Ein ungeschütztes DNS birgt verschiedene Gefahren, darunter Phishing-Angriffe, DNS-Hijacking und Domain-Spoofing. Diese Angriffe können zu Datenverlust, Identitätsdiebstahl und finanziellen Verlusten führen. Durch ein grundlegendes Verständnis der DNS-Sicherheit und entsprechende Maßnahmen können Sie Ihr Netzwerk vor diesen Risiken schützen.

Der Security Workshop wird gemeinsam von Infoblox und der 4N-IT Solutions GmbH durchgeführt.

Was Sie erwartet:

  • Fachliche Einblicke in die Welt von DNS-Security, sowie gängige Schutzmaßnahmen
  • Ein Event für wertvollen Austausch und Netzwerken mit Branchenexperten und Gleichgesinnten
  • Vertiefung Ihres Fachwissens und Erweiterung Ihrer beruflichen Perspektiven


Uhrzeit Thema Sprecher
11:30 Uhr Anreise und Anmeldung
12-13 Uhr Mittagessen
13-15 Uhr Einführung DNS-Security, DNS in der Cyber Kill Chain, DNS Usage in Malware/ Ransomware Werner Grillmeier und Daniel Jakovčić - Solution Architekt bei Infoblox
15-15:30 Uhr Kaffeepause
15:30-16:30 Uhr Vorstellung BloxOne Threat Defense und Simulation Angriffe über DNS Dirk Trefz – CTO bei 4N-IT Solutions
16:30-17 Uhr Vorstellung SOC Insight Werner Grillmeier und Daniel Jakovčić
Ab 17 Uhr Networking

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Infoblox IPAM Free Trial

Automate and simplify how you manage IPaddresses at scale.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

Infoblox Enterprise DDI combines three critical core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP address management—into a single scalable platform that includes advanced security, reliability, and unmatched operational efficiencies.

Time Topic Speaker
Opening Keynotes
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9:30 GMT Topic Event Name Speaker Name
10:30 GMT Topic Event Name Speaker Name
11:30 GMT Topic Event Name Speaker Name
1:00 GMT Topic Event Name Speaker Name

Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Consolidate core network services

Unite DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI) into a single enterprise-grade, hyper intelligent platform, managed from a common console.

Eliminate manual processes and patchwork tools

Traditional IPAM tools involve a high degree of manual effort, simplify IP address management and lower your costs with centralized and automated visibility and control.

Reduce security risks

Automatically detect and quarantine rogue devices using foundational DNS security across hybrid/public cloud and virtual/private cloud environments.

Intelligent automation and centralized management gives you total control

The complexity of the network is growing beyond the reach of traditional IP address tools. The need for accurate and dynamic IP address management (IPAM) is becoming even more crucial. Today's need for IPAM has gone beyond IP address tracking and allocation to centrally maintain a real-time view of additions, moves, and changes.

This is where a video can be configured

Infoblox enhances availability and security for more than 13,000 customers
